Become A Member Join Rotary Today
Please Join Us and Make Positive Changes in Our Community and Around the World
Become A Member of the Rotary Club of Walnut Grove, Join Today!
What does it mean to be a member ?
Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of people who share your drive to give back.
- We discuss our community's needs and discover creative ways to meet them.
- Expand your leadership and professional skills.
- Catch up with good friends and meet new ones.
- Connect with leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations.
Spread the word about Rotary and reach out to people you believe would service well in Rotary.
- Make a difference in the lives of others
- Develop skills that can be applied outside of Rotary
- Bring your skills into Rotary and share
- Network with others
- Build lifelong friendships
- Make international connections. Rotary Global Rewards lets members receive discounts all over the world and post offers from your own company.
Ready to become a member ?
This work is channeled through our Membership of a Rotary club and is an opportunity to connect with others toward the common goal of improving our community in which we work and live in addition to the global community. If you are ready to join other like minded individuals in accomplishing these goals you should let us know. Contact our Rotary Club of Walnut Grove for an application to join today!
Photo Predates CV19