Classroom Air Filters Arrive at the Walnut Grove Elementary School

Walnut Grove Elementary School PTA Request for Community Assistance

A few days ago, the Walnut Grove Elementary School PTA sent a letter to our community looking for assistance in purchasing air filters for each classroom.  
In preparing for our kids return to school under a new hybrid model and within CDC guidelines, the PTA is doing everything possible with the school to welcome the kids back to the safest and healthiest environment possible. Along with social distancing, masks, separate materials and more, they believe True HEPA 3-Stage air filters would be a great tool to combat such a task.
Within just a few hours, two Rio Vista community members stepped in and sponsored two classrooms with donations. Followed shortly thereafter by the Rotary Club of Walnut Grove sponsoring the remainder of the classrooms!  As many of you know, our Rotary President, Rob has made his Presidential Project all about local assistance.  We are happy to help!
Today, the air filters arrived!  Thank you to everyone for supporting our school.  If you would like to make a contribution, please click the link below.