Relief for District 5280 and District 5300

Photo Credit: ABC 7 Los Angeles



From District Governor Steve Turner:

We have watched as our neighbors and friends in Southern California face one of the worst disasters our state has ever seen with the recent wildfires. In response to those impacted, our District reached out to local Rotary Districts 5300 and 5280 to see how best we could help and support the many Rotarians who have lost their livelihoods as well as their homes and possessions.
Working together with our District's Disaster Foundation, chaired by PDG Desiree Wilson, we are recommending that our Clubs and members directly support our fellow Districts and their wildfire relief efforts.
To donate directly to the wildfire relief funds of our fellow Rotary Districts, please see the links in the comments below. Or, DM us and we will get you the links!
Our fellow Rotarians have lost everything so our support means even more as the recovery from these wildfires will be long-lasting and take months and years to find a new normal after all they have been through.
I know they would do the same if our members and families were facing a similar devastating event.
In advance, my thanks for showing our true District 5180 Rotary spirit to help our fellow Rotarians and families as they recover and rebuild.
Steve Turner
District Governor 5180
(Photo credit: ABC 7 Los Angeles)
A big piece of our District's response and support of the victims of the SoCal fires has been headed up by Conni and Chuck Thompson, Historic Folsom Co-Presidents.
At the request of the impacted Rotary District 5280, they are preparing a second supply run to SoCal on Sunday, January 26. (And, fyi, the first supply run was very much appreciated by our fellow SoCal Rotarians)
Here is the latest from Conni and Chuck:
We’re going big time!  We are getting a U-Haul truck to take supplies down to Burbank early Sunday, January 26. 
We will be collecting supplies, organizing, packing and loading Thursday, January 23 starting at 11:00 am through the afternoon, Friday, January 24 and Saturday, January 25, until 5:00 pm. 
Drop off location: 
128 Lost Creek Dr.
Folsom, CA  95630
If you have questions, please contact us:
Below the list is the message we received from DG Albert Hernandez last night. 

Please note per DG Albert, no clothing, shoes or bedding is needed at this time. Please ensure all is ‘new’ or unused product. 


Toilet Paper

Paper Towels

Small Kleenex packets


Small travel size lotions


Snacks (no bottled water)

Feminine products

Medical Supplies:

Ace Wraps


Glucometers or Glucose test strips

Medical Tape

Medical gloves

For Seniors:

Flushable wipes

Depends adult underwear

Ensure protein drinks

Fuzzy stuffed animals for comfort

For Children:

Fuzzy Stuffed Toys for comfort



Baby Wipes

For Pets:


Kitty litter

Dog and Cat food (wet and dry)

To all of our Rotarians, thank you for your willingness to support the many Rotarians in need due to the devastating SoCal fires.  This will be a long-term recovery effort and each day and week new needs will come to light.  It is so important that we continue to be present and able to assist in ways that show our true Rotary spirit.

In Rotary Service,


Marsha Vacca 

Public Image Chair

District 5180