Yearly Overview, 2024-2025

Projects, Activities, and Event Participation:

We recommend new club members reach out to your Rotary Mentor to guide you through all the services we offer to our community.  Select the projects, activities and events that you have passion for and sign-up early.  Be involved, Be active!
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic,  some of our events may have to be changed up or cancelled.  It's not right, It's not wrong, It's just different (Bjorn)

President’s Projects —

President Emily is spearheading efforts for a cleaner town. She also intends to continue with our long time club programs, including the speech contest, dictionary handouts, scholarship opportunities, as well as the RYLA program.  Together we are The Magc of Service!

Board Meetings are open for all Members to attend3rd Wednesday of Each Month

2nd Wednesday of each month at High Noon.  Attending a Board meeting counts as a Meeting make-up.  The meeting is in the Station 96 conference room unless otherwise posted.  Lunch is served.

The Scholarship Dinner / Reverse Raffle / Silent Auction Dinner — Normally, the Last Saturday, February each year. 

With the great success of online auction, the Executive Board has lots to think about for 2025.  More information will be provided soon.
Beginning in 1985, this event has raised more than537,500 to benefit our community.  This is our BIG fundraising event.
Members are required to purchase at least 1 ticket for $150
Donate to the Silent Auction and collect donations from associates and friends.
Sign-up on the committee and sign-up on the to-do list.
Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors, or prospective RCWG member to participate in the Silent Auction.  They may also purchase any available Reverse Raffle tickets.

Speech Contest — Usually the 2nd or 3rd Monday Meeting in March.

Usually in Marc, the 205 Speech Contest is Monday February 10th.  At the club stage of the Speech Contest, 4-5 club Finalist come to our Monday meeting and present their speech.  The winner continues on to the District level.

The Dictionary Project— During the School Year - Dates are Announced Each Year

Each year our Rotary Club of Walnut Grove President, President-Elect, and any members wishing to participate delivers dictionaries to the 3rd grade class at two community elementary schools - Bates and Walnut Grove Elementary.

Rotary Club of Walnut Grove Scholarships Applications — Usually Begins in March and Awarded in May. Dates are Announced Each Year

Laura has been chairing this committee for 2-3 years and continues to select worthy candidates from all the applications received. She has been awarding record breaking numbers!

Demotion Dinner — The Last Monday, in June

Say goodbye to our out-going President and Board, Say hello to the in-coming President and Board.  Awards, Dinner and Fun!  Cost is about $75 per person and guests are welcome.

The Pear Fair — The Last Sunday in July

Join club members at The Pear Fare to represent the RCWG.  After a short year closure, 2024 found the Pear Fair with near record breaking attendance.  Join us in 2025 and help serve up some pancakes before enjoying the days events.

El Barril Dentist Trip — Usually in October (Date is always subject to weather conditions)

This event has been cancelled for 2024-2025 for the safety of our members.
Join Rotary Members furnish multiple days of free dental care to those in need.  All  members and friends are invited, no experience needed.  If you can hold a child’s hand while in the dental chair, you qualify.  Incredible hands-on experience.

Guess the Pumpkin Weight Raffle — October Each Year.

Help grow the biggest pumpkin for the raffle.  Starter plants are furnished.
Commitment is to sell or purchase at least 50 raffle tickets — a winning prize of $1,000 to the closest guessed weight!
Drawing date has been successful on Halloween.  2024 Also included dropping the pumpkin from 45ft up and watch the smash!

RYLA — Commitment For Space is November Each Year

Rotary Youth Leadership Award or RYLA is an intensive and outstanding leadership experience that is organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you brings together about 300 to develop skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.  It's been reported back to our club all the time that it is a life changing experience.

Santa's Gift Drive — Usually the 1st or 2nd Week in December.  Dates Are Announced Each Year

All of Santa's Elves scurry in preparation for the Volunteer Fire Department to deliver toys and gifts for those on Santa's good list.  Every community child has a gift to open on Christmas!

Christmas Lunch and Gift Exchange — December 9, 2024

Bring your spouse, a friend, or prospective RCWG member to a great lunch and gift grab.  Time to say thanks and enjoy our friendships!